Friday, April 16, 2010

Must be doing something right

We started the weigh challenge Monday.

My plan and results so far:

Workout every day at lunch: FAIL - didn't do shit
Workout every day after work (except Wednesdays): FAIL - didn't do shit
Go to Wednesday Derby Practice: PASS
Be Gluten Free beginning Monday: FAIL - I even had dinner at the Fire Station last night with my dad and had a fat piece of steak (I swear they MADE me!) but I only cut 1/2 of the 5lb steak, potatoe wedges, bread

I said I'd wait a full week (after next week) to weigh myself after I worked out so I could feel better and see a differnce since I failed most of my goals so far.  The impatient ass that I am.  Weighed myself today.

And guess what?

I lost 6lbs.  I know.  I can't even explain it.  I can't believe it!  Crazy weird.

Imagaine if I worked out? sheez.

I'm hitting the gym today.  Maybe just a steam or sauna session but I'm going!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time Bomb

Monday we started a challenge.

Monday, I ate regular food and no excercising.  UGH what is wrong with MOI?! I'll blame it on a monday meeting that never was.

Tuesday, I raced to work because we had a morning meeting at 9 (the same time I start work) then 1/2 way I was sent an email on my blackberry that the meeting was cancelled.  Thank goodness for my mom working with me and my BlackBerry.  Breakfast was Cream of Wheat.  Lunch was a Turkey Cranberry Sandwich and Salad and chips.  I drank 100 oz of water.  Dinner was Gluten Free cereal with non fat milk.  I did go to practice. 

wait that was wed.  I can't get the days straight.  Basically i haven't been gluten free and haven't been working out. 

I suck.

Today I had another sandwich and salad and chips.  Not enough water though.  I wanted to go work out or hit the steam room but I left my charger, earphones, water clothes at home.

UGH!  I have to get it together.

Nirvana or what not...

haha found this today in my DRAFT's.  So I guess I'll publish before I really read it because ummm i may want to make changes.  Here it is:

So without checking the dictionary I think that Nirvana means to be born again.  An elightenment.

Let me google it.

okay so it doesn't really pertain to me..thank you Webster's Dictionary for killing my self-awakening.

Anyway.  although I've been a heathen.  Today is Ash Wednesday and in preperation for it. I should be giving up what tempts me most. 

I know I should give up the guy that tempts me but I simply cannot because i know I can leave that when I choose.

But the real deal breakers are homies.

Gluten. Alcohol. Sugar/Butter. Coffee.

Is this some way of self-inflicting a punishment? No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know.

On a side note.  I was driving to work today and out of nowhere I yelled: "Oh It's on Bitch!".

I was talking to myself.  It must have been that wheatgrass shot in my shake today.

So reading over my headline.  I was 232. What the hell? I'm past that. (adding). Was i really going loca over that? Well that's good but my will power seemed to have taken a long ass vacation.

So back to being Catholic and what I'm giving up.

Alcohol.  I've done this before.  By choice, it wasn't even because of lent.  I just decided I didn't want any alcohol anymore.  For a while at least. Not that I have a problem with it, I just felt like not  drinking at all.

Coffee.  This will be a battle.  There are days that I feel like I can't open my eyelids without having toothpicks to prop them up. I think it's all in the mind.  I just need to get to bed earlier and not rely on caffeine to get me through the day.

Sugar, Butter. The dynamic duo that makes cupcakes, cakes and french toast the wonderfulness it is.


I love gluten.  No I fken love gluten.  But gluten doesn't love me.  All it does is kick me when I'm down.  After it shoved me and then tags along on my body like a mexican fancy dress (aka poncho) on a cold day in the motherland.

It feels like I'm currently wearning 20 fken ponchos.  And if you've never wore an authentic's like getting a thick ass coarse like blanket cutting a hole in the middle and wearing it like an A-sign board.

It's apparently not good for my thyroid also.  Or so most books state.  I did do a really strict regime of being gluten free. It wasn't hard. Well mentally it was at first.  I was like fk...what the hell CAN I eat?

I had to reframe my mind and be creative.  I've posted a lot of recipe's on this blog and will start to add more. 

There are a few books that I have in my 'select library that relate to Gluten Free or Metabolism

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Daily Mile

I was googling Joint Juice and stumbled upon a blog called un-athletic runner.  I seen a widget that you can show your daily miles.

Why is all this a post? Because not only did I fall off the wagon, tumble down the hill and float away on the river bend.  I gained all my weight back that I lost 4 years ago.  Sigh.  I left my old weight on top (of this post).  I wish I was that weight again.

We decided to have a weight challenge at work.  $50.00 to join in, three months (plus a couple of days) and only twice to weigh.  In and out. 

There are 14 chola's so far signed up.  I've done this before and I know who my fiercest competitors are.

Normally I would be a fucken monster at doing this.  But my roaring fire is like a burnt out candle.

I felt it this weekend but today monday.  I just had a fat headache, tired, achy breaky and looking for excuses.

I planned on doing my Gluten Free routine but already fucked that up with a dolla burger at McD's.  UGH.  I don't even like McD's.  Gross.

I've been feeling weird.  I know I'm not prego because I took 2 test before this challenge just to be sure.  I mean I know I can't be but for safety's sake, I did anyhow.

In 2006 we did this.  I was 252.5 and by the end of the challenge I was 226.  I lost 4.1% of my BMI and 26.5 lbs. I was killing it by the second month.  I started slacking off and another girl came up from behind and stole the $1,000 from me.  I'm so lame.  It was mine.  ugh!  We had 20 people and only 6 weighed out so more than 1/2 of the dropped off.

My routine was crazy.  I would do 5-9 miles a day (sometimes 9-11 miles/day), 300 sit ups and countless squats. I HATE HATE HATE lunges. ugh.  My nutrition at the time I thought was bad-ass.  Looking back after being more educated it was just BAD!

Breakfast was Oatmeal with 1/2 C Milk; Lunch was either Lettuce/Tomatoe/Avocado/Chicken and hot sauce or Romaine Lettuce with 5-6 deli turkey slices and a 1 piece of cheese; Dinner was a can of chicken broth with Tofu, green onions and a squidge of lemon. 

Basically I was robbing myself of nutrients and probably damaging my body in ways that i dont even know.

I was working out in the hottest time frame of the day with layers and layers of clothing.  I smelled like the track when I'd come back from work.  Gross.

Anywho, I kept it off for 4 years.  Started Roller Skating and kept it off.  Then I stopped skating, and lost control and I gained it all back plus some.


Wish me luck on my new journey.