Friday, June 18, 2010

GF Day 5 Take 2

It's been 5 whole days.  FIVE. I've been quite good on this so far 100% sticking to it.

I've been drinking my water like im supposed to.  Today I had GF Enviorkids brand cereal with milk for breakfast.

Lunch was a mixed green salad with 1/2 avocado, grilled bellpeppers - Chicken - purple onion (it was a kabob stick from WF that I got last night and roasted in the oven) and balsamic vinegrette from Trader Joe's.

Dinner....not too sure yet.  I have some leftover turkey meat that i made for tacos the other day and since i now have almond cheese, I think I'll make some turkey enchiladas with green olives (sounds weird but my aunt made it and it was really good). And a GF beer.  Yes a GF Beer.  =)

I almost didn't go to the track today but since i missed Wed and Thursday, I have to make up lost workouts. 

I did 2.0 miles.  I will do something tomorrow morning before my sisters party.  Hopefully I can make it to my dad's this weekend so I can do some swimming with my lil chola's and lil cholo. =)

This week I've lost 3lbs so far.  (well, I'm wearing jeans so it should be 5lbs lost).  We started this weight challenge 2 months ago and if my guesstimation is correct then I've lost 10 lbs.  But im not telling these broads at work.

I may not win the competition (I might have if i wasn't such a procrastinator!) however, I'm winning my health.

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