Monday, August 23, 2010

Almost at my 1st halfway mark

This morning I thought I was doing pretty foul.  Then I stepped on the scale and looked.  I am only 3lbs away from losing 20!

I haven't done my cardio like I would like but mentally I am! =) 

Here are my goals broken down:

1 - Lose 20  Check! 8/26/10
2 - Lose another 20 (making 40)
3 - Lose another 'nother 20 (making 60)
4 - Lose yet another 20 (making 80)
5 - Lose the last 8 (total of 88)

It may seem like I don't need to lose that much and maybe I don't.  I have a big ol' booty, calves, thighs so I'm not concerned that I will look like skelator. (well, actually skelator is pretty buff so that's a bad example)
I definitely do not want or see my body like this:

Way too drastic.  You know when you see people and they lose hella weight and they just look shot!  Yea, I'm not gunning for that.  I do however, would like to be toned and athletic looking like Sara Ramirez:

She looks nice in a dress and hasn't lost her curves. 

So I will see if my total goal (including the 17 I've lost so far) is either 61 or 71.

Either any case..I'm on my way.

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