Thursday, August 19, 2010

Recipe: Quinoa & Corn Salsa Salad

The Title makes it sound gross but really it's not.

This is a broke-down version of a recipe.  I was at Trader Joe's last night with my friend and she grabbed a sample of Quinoa Salad that was just made.  She wasn't adventerous and decided to give it to me.

But I love Quinoa and it was really good.

Recipe: They mixed a can of (rinsed) black beans, cooked Quinoa and Trader Joe's Corn Chili Salsa (no tomatoes).  It was a protein/fiber packed spicy/sweetness taste that was different.

So I bought the Corn Salsa.  I already have Quinoa and Black Beans in my pantry.

I think I'll make it for dinner tomorrow with some baked chicken.

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