Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is not just Indigestion....

My day started off with me waking up at 4:30am.  Don't mind the fact that I couldn't go to sleep until about 2am.

Phones were down at work today, I got a call at 7am.  I don't start work until my day was early!

I made a pot of Coffee(1), although i put a little more than 4 cups of water, it made barely 2 cups of coffee.  I had Vanilla Nut Creamer(2) and I admit a spoonfulandahalf of Sugar(3).

I went to work on getting my curls straightened and then i noticed some breakage in my hair.  Either was new hair a'growin' or B...part of the strand said I'm out this...and skee-daddled.  I arrived at work and told my friend to check out my findings...while I was looking for them in her mirror our manager walked and i was so embarrased.  I just had to tell her why I was standing in an office at 9am in the morning with both me and my friend checking my scalp. lol  We washed our hands okay?!

hmmm i kinda lost my thought about why im writing this.

Okay, so I had nothing but that Coffee(1) to drink and at 11am I was starvin'!  My first...ok...second mistake was asking my pregnant friend-worker (that's gonna be my new word for friends who happen to be co-workers) to go get something.  We did major damage. We went to Five Guys Burger and Fries.  I know! I know! Just the name should have scared me off.  What healthy, gluten-free, soy-free, non-processed, organic choices are really on that menu?  Nada.  Although it was good when i first ate it.  My stomach feels like....well you know the saying...a picture is worth 1,000 words? Well:

What that looks like is what if feels like.  I had the Bacon(4) Cheese(5) Burger(6) of course on regular white bun(7) and cajun(8) fries. 

And because I feel the need to burp to feel better, I had to get a Pepsi(9)

 to help the burping process since there are no Trader Joe's close enough for me to drink their fabulous Mineral Water.

I should have followed the voices in back of my head that told me to eat like:

You may be wondering why my sudden fascination with Silverback Gorilla's.  I have no answer except all the pictures I see lately pretty much explain what I'm trying to say.  So I'm going with it.

Also...the numbers [(1) through (9)] are meant to represent areas that need to be paid special attention to at a Crime Scene.

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