Monday, July 21, 2008

WEEK 1 :: DAY 5

Saturday, 7/19/08

The dreaded day.

Why? Because today I go to visit my brother in Prison. I love seeing him but the menu options are all vending, processed or fried.

It's an hour long drive so I pre-packaged my food for the morning so I can be full by the time I see him. This will trick me into thinking I'm full and won't give into temptation.

Tempation is a mofo.

I packed up some leftover filling of the stuffed bellpeppers and brown rice.

Breakfast: I took some Cheerios and some 2% milk with me and ate that at my mom's while I waited for her to finish cooking her Bacon, Eggs and Potatoes. The smell was killing me. One was because the bacon smelled gross to me. And I love bacon so that was weird. Two because I wanted some of her potatoes and they are pretty bomb for potatoes.

I heated up my other containers before we left so it would be at least lukewarm before we got there. Nothing's worse than cold food. Okay wet chonies are too but not like cold food.

Brunch: I added this one because it wasn't breakfast and it wasn't lunch. I ate my turkey filling and rice before we got to the prison. I ate as much as I could without going overboard.

Lunch: The visit was Awesome like always but the food choices. Hmmm they had Carne Asada Tacos - No. Tamales with Rice and Beans - No. Egg Rolls with Fried Rice - No. Fried Chicken (actually they taste overfried and almost like chicken jerky if that exists) with french fries - No. Aha! Salad. I got a large container of Lettuce with a boiled egg, ranch dressing and some cheese. I tossed the cheese and the ranch dressing. Those are both no's. I instead twisted some lime on top of the lettuce and black pepper. I bought some corn chips (hey it says I can have corn tortillas...ok so I'm bending my rules) and I crushed them and sprinkled them on top like fake croutons. It was pretty good...until my little brother passed by me and knocked the container onto the floor. Luckily I was 1/2 done with it and full. I had a coconut juice and water. No sweets and no soda. Not even Vitamin Water ( one of my favs).

Dinner: My mom made some corn tortillas and fresh salsa. I dusted like 3 tortillas and ate the salsa til I was sure my taste buds were burned off!

I'm pretty sure since I didn't take anything out or want to cook, I warmed up a leftover Bellpepper. I'm surprised I'm not sick of them......wait that's a lie. I don't think I ate because my little brother came to spend the night with me and we went to see Batman. I think I didn't eat dinner afterall. hmmmm.

Excercise: I did some chair dips at the prison waiting for the bus to carry us around to the visiting room. I wanted to do some lunges but.....lunges, prison staff, handcuffs...not such a smart combination.

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